Monday 26 August 2013

Long time no blog...

Long time no blog but I have been busy - mainly trying to work out what direction I would like to take my artwork and swinging from fabrics to scrapbooking to journaling and back - then deciding that actually I can do it all when I feel like it.....
Loving the freedom of art journaling where it seems anything goes - missing the 12 x 12 scrapbook pages and thinking fondly of having a go at some more to incorporate family photos but vintage with a twist - which in my case probably means loads of colour and texture and messy fun....
The fabric ideas are 'on hold' at the moment but I may be drawn to them again probably when the nights are drawing in and the great outdoors is not quite so enticing....
So, that's me and my art at the moment - will try and include a photo next time.
Oh yes, and I'd like to brush up on my drawing skills (or lack of them) and to this end I drew a mad seagull on the roof of the mill opposite at 6.45 a.m. yesterday morning and took some photographs of blackberries (we've picked lots recently) with the idea of including them as sketches in my journal....

Monday 16 July 2012

Finally worked out how to add a blinkie

Wow, thanks to Youtube I finally worked out how to add a blinkie to my blog. Had to go into design layout and 'Add a gadget' box - scrolled down to find 'html java script' and clicked Add - then I went to the website e.g. Joanna Sheen's Challenge Blog and copied and pasted the text into the box provided - then saved before finally viewing my blog - and hey presto a blinkie link to Joanna Sheen - well. I was supposed to be making some cards but this is something I've wanted to do for ages - so 'way to go' well done me....
See you soon xx

Sunday 1 July 2012

Art from the Heart: the Whatevers -- are you ready?

Art from the Heart: the Whatevers -- are you ready?

Working on a few ideas....

As usual much too busy to get on and blog - wish I could work out how to link to other sites as I've just found a fun exercise to have a go at 'the Whatevers' vintage photos where you make up a story to go with the photo they set up for you... mind you, I've got so many other things I want to do maybe this would be an indulgence too far... still maybe just for fun?...
Better sign off and actually do something creative so I can add a photo to my next post, now wouldn't that be good.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Canvas Samples

Canvas Sample Boards

(For the second time of asking - still haven't got used to this new layout for creating my blog.) Busy old day creating a background sample canvas showing various ways of applying inks, crayons and paints to cover a canvas before working on it. Doesn't look much but hopefully it will be beneficial to my class when they're looking for inspiration in April. Have also started another sample showing various fun techniques that can be used on a canvas to decorate it. Well, I've been having fun anyway!!
First up the background sample - image of the second canvas sample to follow....
Would you believe there are 24 different methods of applying ink and crayons and pencils and paints on this sample board - and that's just the start - guess we really are only limited by our imagination....

Wednesday 14 March 2012

This isn't easy at all

I have no idea what I am doing with this blog - it's all a huge learning curve for me but no doubt I'll get there in the end.
Guess I shall just have to keep playing around with layout etc. and see what happens - have decided to call my blog 'Vintage Crafting Frog' blogspot as it appeals to my love of all things vintage with crafting....

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Canvas Class

Have offered to lead our Totnes Scrappers class in April - we're going to have some fun making a canvas each. So at the moment I've been trawling the web searching for inspiration and ideas to share with my fellow scrappers. Will post some samples here once I've made some - planning to show various techniques on small sample canvases, so will be back once I've got something to show. It's been a long while since I last stood before a class so there's a mixture of nervousness and anticipation of excitement to come - just love getting messy with paint and stuff...